Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Our Crazy Life!

Man..Its been a long time since I have wrote something on here! Where to begin! We had a great fall and Christmas! We went down to Logan to visit family and friends, but spent Christmas at home. Colton is such a Christmas lover! He gets very into the lights, xmas movies, hot chocolate the works! Which is great, it's one of the many reasons I love him. So now that he has a little tike, he just thinks it's even more of a blast even though Carter has no idea what was going on. Carter did however love the Christmas lights and watching the older cousins frantically opening presents! The best Christmas present I could have asked for is quitting my job to stay home full time with my little guy. I know not every mom gets that opportunity.. it's just such a blessing to be able to. He is just the sweetest little guy, he makes my heart melt. I really do miss the ladies I work with, they were so sweet and fun. 

Not to long after New Years Colton got an opportunity to have an interview with the Idaho Falls Fire Department. He went to the interview and the next morning at 8:10 he got a call from the Chief. They were very impressed by him and offered him the job. He would need to start IN TWO WEEKS! Now, we just built a house six months ago, Colton just finished his probationary year with Rock Springs and really liked the guys he worked with and basically we had to drop everything to go. We prayed about it and it just felt right to go. It's a beautiful area, great place to raise a family, and a little closer to family and friends. The next day we put our house up for sale and we were soon on our way. We found a really cute house to rent for the year and we will hopefully buy or build a home again soon. I couldn't be more proud of Colton, he works so hard for Carter and me. Yet still makes a lot of quality time for us.

 As soon as we moved over here and Colton started his job, I started having this terrible pain that I sometimes had before I was pregnant. It was under my ribs and would make me really sick. Welp..I had my gallbladder taken out on Valentines day. How romantic I know! My wonderful Mom came up and watched Carter the day I was in the hospital and then helped me the next day with him while Colton had to work. When we were at the hospital the doctor asked if I had any dramatic weight loss. I said I had lost 42 pounds since I had Carter, which was 20 pounds under my pre pregnancy weight. He said that losing weight could have been a trigger? But I'm pretty sure it was all the Little Caesars Pizzas Colt and I ate when we were first married ;)  I didn't think that it would be as painful as it was to recover also! I would much rather have a baby then recover from that. I couldn't hold Carter or pick him up for a few days which was really hard for me I love taking care of him. I was just very lucky to have Colton and my moms help! We are really looking forward to summer now I can't wait for some warmer weather. I will try and post more on here with some pictures :)
Oh Christmas! How we love you!
Carter Bug. Don't worry his hair looks much better! Looks kinda goofy in this picture haha!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mr. Carter Campbell

Well It's been awhile! I thought I would do some catch up! Colton and I moved into our home on July 5th. The building process was easier then we thought it was going to be until the last two weeks or so. Lets just say the subcontractor ditched us right before the inspector came and it didn't pass for silly reasons. Then after they fixed the few simple things. Since we are technically "county" the inspector lived in Pine Dale (1 hour away) and was not coming back up for a couple weeks. This is the short version of what happen but instead of moving in June 17th, it ended up being July 5th. But we had to be out of our apartment on June 30th. Poor Colton and I were "homeless" for 6 days or so. Thank goodness both of us didn't  have to work and we headed up to Island Park for the week. Which I think was exactly what we needed. We were pretty stressed out at that point. I was really fun to spent time with my family. When we got back Colton had to return back to work and I unpacked. We love our home! We have been so very blessed this year we couldn't ask for more.

The month of July went by fairly fast considering I was due with our little man the first part of August. He is just incredible! We are head over heals for this kid! Carter was born August 9th 2012. 6lbs. 9ozs. at 1:12 AM. I worked Monday and Tuesday that week and had an appointment on Wednesday (the 8th) with my doctor who we see in Salt lake at the University of Utah Hospital. Colton and I were fairly positive that I wasn't going to be induced that day and that we would be returning home after our appointment. Thank goodness we brought our bags and the baby carrier anyway! The week before this appointment they said I was barley dilated to a 1. So we thought we weren't going to be much farther along this week. Nope dilated to a 3+! They did a membrane sweep and said go to lunch and come back around 5:30 and we will check you again. We were freaking out when they said that. I was shocked that I would most likely be having this baby tonight. We went to lunch and did some shopping and I was feeling really good no painful contractions just some strong braxton hicks. They checked me again and I was around a 4 and progressing. So they said go for a very long walk around the hospital and come back and 8:00. So we did just that and they admitted me at 8-9 at night. Still haven't felt one painful contraction yet. They hooked me up to the machines and said that I was having strong contractions every two minutes or so I didn't believe them! At around 10:30 they broke my water and I got an epidural around 11:30. They said that I would dilate one mm. every hour so. That we could expect to have him in the morning and to try and get some sleep. I was feeling really good no pain at all! They came in at 1:00 in the morning and checked again. The nurses eyes went really wide and said his head is like right there haha! (sorry TMI). I was dilated to a 10 and 100% effaced. They ran and got my doctor and I pushed maybe 4 times and he was here at 1:12! I feel extremely lucky that it went so well. I was so nervous that labor was going to be my worst nightmare, but it was amazing. A great experience. He is just the perfect little boy we are so happy he is here! He is four weeks now and has gained two pounds since he was born. Hes getting some very chubby cheeks and a full set of very dark brown hair. Must have been all that heartburn!  I will upload some pictures soon! 

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Well! After some stress with the house this is the week we move into our new home! We are very happy with it. I am so excited to finally be able to get things ready for the baby. My nesting instincts are going nuts! I just want to wash all of the babies clothes and get his room ready. I am 33 weeks today, its crazy to think the baby could come anytime in a month or so! Last week we went to Salt lake for our doctors appointment and we met my mom and sister and we got to do a 3D ultrasound. It was so fun to see our little guy! I can't believe I get to be his mom he is such a stud already, he must get it from his dad! Colton is very excited to be a dad. I keep catching him looking at all the baby stuff and playing with the stroller (except I won't let him use the stroller like a race car when the baby is in it ha!)


Saturday, May 5, 2012

House and baby campbell are growing!

Colton and I have a crazy summer ahead of us! Colton leaves for hazmat training for two weeks this month :( Super lame! Then in June we will be finishing up our home and moving in!! We are so excited! Right now they just put in our wood floors in the kitchen and entry way and the stone in the shower :) Next week they should be starting on the stucco! Colton works a ton in July so he can have some time off in August for the little one. I'm so lucky to have him! We are hoping to still go to Island Park for the fourth of July and to go to Jackson Hole the end of May. We love Island Park during the summer it is so beautiful! I'm sure in July I will be strapping ice packs to my body and living on popsicles! Then August! Our little baby boy will be here. My stomach feels bigger everyday, and his kicks are getting stronger everyday. I love when he kicks! I will be 26 weeks tomorrow, 14 more to go! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Just some pictures of our new life!

My Handsome Husband In "Turn Outs" or whatever they call them

Our house in April

Salt Lake City, December 2011

Terrible Blogger!

Well it has been about two years since I wrote on our blog and I can't believe all that has happened! Colton was in the Fire Academy at BATC. It was a pretty crazy couple of months. He graduated in January 2011. After that the job hunt took off. He traveled everywhere from New Mexico to Washington and everywhere in between! He tested really well but I wasn't able to see him a whole lot. I was so proud of him and what he did for us. In the mean time I was working at Logan Dental as an assistant, and as a nanny for a little girl who I adore, Tyla Kae. It was so much fun watching Tyla! I started watching her when she was 6 weeks old so it was fun watching her grow every week.

In November 2011, Colton got the phone call he had been waiting for 10 long months. He got his dream job for the Rock Springs Fire Department as a full time EMT/ Firefighter. On average it takes two years to get on a Department if your testing as frequent as he was. It was a pretty great accomplishment for him to get on so quickly. So on December 5Th we were on way! It was very hard to leave my family, friends, little Tyla, and the job that I loved so much but everything worked out for the best.

Two days after we moved, we found out that we were going to have a baby! We are absolutely thrilled! Two weeks later we signed a contract for our house to be built. Its coming along great and will be done in June! Lets just say December was just the craziest most amazing month of our lives! I'm so excited to be a mom. Now I am 23 weeks :) and working full time at Davidson Family Dental. Two weeks ago we found out that ITS A BOY!!! We are so happy that he is doing wonderful and his kicks are getting stronger. Colton can feel them now :) In the pictures he already has chubby cheeks! He is due August 12, 2012. We can't wait tell the little guy is here! Colton loves his job! We miss our family and friends a ton but this has been a wonderful adventure for us! I promise I will write on here more!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer is here!

Well Its been awhile! We haven't left our cave/bubble/apartment much since we have been married. Colton and I are excited for summer! We will be here in logan working and hopefully going on a few small trips during the summer. Colton is almost finished with his english class and math is close to being done too. Brandie needs to get her butt in gear and finish hers! Were excited for the family reunions coming up and the trips to island park plus a new nephew coming in August! We are now the ward librarians! Woot! Our ward has some very nice people, its a quick turn around rate though, its a "Young, Married, Student, University" ward so people come and go alot. We are loving the married life!